Tips voor het schoonmaken van vinyl LP’s

Tips for Cleaning Vinyl LPs

There is a lot of talk on the web about various methods to clean your LPs. Some methods work very well, others damage your LPs beyond repair.

There are various devices on the market that can clean your vinyl very well (for example the Okki Nokki or the Disco Antistat). The costs for this vary from 50 to 500 euros. The expensive machines may be worth it for a 'professional collector', but for most enthusiasts, manual cleaning remains the best and most economical option.

A good budget tip is the Knosti Disco Antistat record cleaning machine.

Dealing with your vinyl

Vinyl is very sensitive to dust, grease and dirt. Rule 1 is to store your LPs dust-free. Always put the LP back in the (antistatic) inner sleeve. TIP: New LPs often come in standard paper inner sleeves without plastic lining. These often cause small scratches. Replace these standard inner sleeves with plastic lining.

Do you have a record player without a dust cover? Then put the record back in the sleeve immediately after playing so that the LP collects as little dust as possible.

At least as important: Keep your dirty fingers off the grooves! Your fingers always contain grease and acids that can irreparably damage the vinyl. Before playing the LP, always use a Static-off Vinyl Brush. You can also use a (clean) glasses cloth. Always carefully wipe along the grooves when the LP is playing on your record player.

Also keep an eye on your needle! Damaged or worn needles can seriously damage your LPs. Clean your needle regularly with needle cleaner or a little pure alcohol.

Cheap and safe cleaning of vinyl

This is the best way to clean your LPs. It's easy and the chances of damaging your LPs are very small. Plus it's cheap because you only use stuff you probably already have in your house.

What do you need?
- Dishwashing liquid
- A bowl
- Water, preferably distilled. In areas where there is a lot of lime in the water: always use distilled water!
- A soft cloth
- A draining rack

Step 1: Remove dust
Before you deep clean the grooves, you should first remove the loose dust with a dry, soft cloth or a carbon-fiber brush. Gently move the brush or cloth over the record, in the direction of the grooves. Do not do this too hard, otherwise you will push the loose dirt deeper into the grooves.

Step 2: Making the cleaning fluid
Put some water with a little dish soap in a clean bowl. The water should be lukewarm so that the soapy water dissolves more easily. The water should definitely not be too hot. You can use most brands of dish soap for this, as long as the dish soap does not leave a residue. Dreft works fine.

Step 3: Polishing the plate
Use a clean and absorbent cleaning cloth. Do not use old rags or shirts. Do not make the cloth too wet, so that you do not have to dry the LP later. Place the LP on a clean cloth (for example a tea towel) on the table. Carefully move the cloth over the vinyl, along the grooves. Make sure you have done the entire surface, for very dirty LPs you can repeat the operation again.
Tips: Keep your fingers flat so that your nail can't touch the plate. Also make sure you don't touch the label, it can come loose or get damaged by water.

Step 4: Drying
Let the LPs dry on a drying rack for at least half an hour, until the grooves are completely dry.

Your LP is now clean! Make sure to keep it clean so you have to polish it as little as possible.

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