Kun je LP's grijsdraaien?

Can you play LPs until they're worn out?

Yes, that is possible! If you play an LP often, you can actually damage it. Below you can read how to prevent that. The term graying comes from the old 78 rpm records, which were played with a metal needle. Over time, those records also really turned gray instead of black.

Vinyl LPs can also be damaged by playing. This phenomenon occurs when you play a record often, and especially when you play one side of the LP several times in a row. An LP is made of plastic (vinyl) and the needle is made of diamond or stone. When the needle goes through the grooves, the friction makes the needle and the vinyl very hot. This is not a problem, but the needle and LP must be given the chance to cool down. If you immediately play the same side of the LP again, the grooves may become deformed. Preventing this is easy: Give the needle and LP the chance to cool down again. This does not have to be long, a few minutes is enough. Or just turn the LP over to listen to the rest. The needle cools down very quickly, because it is so small.

Good maintenance is also a must to prevent gray spinning: a dirty needle that goes through the grooves can cause damage! So keep your LP and your needle clean. Tips to keep your LPs clean can be found HERE , you can keep your needle clean with a needle cleaner.

Also important: a good adjustment of your record player. With many (good) record players you can adjust the needle pressure by adjusting the weight on the back of the arm. Consult the user manual of your record player for the ideal needle pressure. If the needle presses too heavily or too lightly on your LP, this not only affects the sound quality, it is also not good for your LPs.

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